Facendo 4.0 (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation) is a project launched by Stellantis Vigo under the fourth call for grants from the Xunta de Galicia's Smart Factory Program, aiming to boost competitiveness and strengthen the business fabric of Galicia's automotive sector.
With the participation of CTAG, Gradiant, Aimen, and the University of Vigo, Facendo 4.0 involves an investment of 22.3 million euros in researching new technological solutions for the factory of the future, the vehicle of the future, and connectivity, which will position Stellantis Vigo at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and energy efficiency.
In the field of the Factory of the Future, the project aims to generate new knowledge on flexible production processes with minimal carbon footprint for manufacturing electric vehicles.
Regarding the Vehicle of the Future, new connected and intelligent systems and interfaces will be studied to enable the development of innovative products and devices for future electric vehicle models.
In the field of Connectivity and IT Infrastructure, the project will investigate and evaluate technologies related to connectivity, IoT, and cloud to enhance the performance (availability, security, automation, agility) and competitiveness of the IT infrastructure that supports processes and products.
The project has a a 31-month execution period concluding in 2023. Facendo 4.0 partners will invest 22.3 million euros, with public support of 12.2 million euros from the Second Vice-Presidency and the Department of Economy, Business, and Innovation of the Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Innovation Agency (Gain), co-financed with funds from the European Union’s ERDF.
Additional information
- Duration: february 2021 - april 2023
- Reference: IN854A 2020/01
Program: Factory of the future, intelligent and sustainable factory of Industry 4.0