

We put our lives increasingly in the hands of smart complex systems making decisions that directly affect our health and wellbeing. This is very evident in healthcare – where systems watch over your health – as well as in traffic – where autonomous driving solutions are gradually taking over control…

Facendo 4.0 (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation) - IN854A 2020/01

Facendo 4.0 (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation) is a project launched by Stellantis Vigo under the fourth call for grants from the Xunta de Galicia's Smart Factory Program, aiming to boost competitiveness and strengthen the business fabric of Galicia's automotive sector. With the participation of CTAG,…

Cooperative Intelligence Schemes for Future Internet Emerging Technologies (TEC2013-47016-C2-1-R)

Project COINS contributes to advances of the Future Internet (regarding networks, services and data, and the intelligentinclusion of things/machines and persons), which is envisaged as a multi-technology, heterogeneous, and increasingly virtualized and cloud-like environment. In this context, COOPERATION becomes a key paradigm that takes variousforms according to the particular technological…

Augmenting Intelligence, cognitive capabilities, efficiency and value of coMmunication technologies for the IoE (AIM) (TEC2016-76465-C2-2-R)

Project “Augmenting intelligence, cognitive capabilities, efficiency and value of communication technologies for the IoE (AIM)” will contribute to the augmentation, intelligence, cognitive adaptation, efficiency and added value of the IoE, by exploring feasible ICT solutions for the interaction of the network, the cloud and the applications they support. It has…